About me

I am a Stay at Home Mom. I love Chai Lattes, anything chocolate, and all of the Real Housewives. I hate cleaning bathrooms.

I've been with my husband since 2000, married since 2005, and together we have two little girls. Little Bear was born in 2009 and Crazy Plates in 2010.

This is my blog. A place where I share all the fun and frustrating things about being a Stay at Home Mom.

I hope you can enjoy, relate, and have a little laugh.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Housewife Hacks: Part 1

If you follow me on Facebook you know that every once in a while I post a tip-of-the-day.  A useful nugget of information that I feel is worth sharing.  Hold on to your smart phones, everyone, this time I have 10 to share.  It's part one of a blog series I'm calling, Housewife Hacks.  You're welcome.

1) This first hack I can't take credit for because I'm sure I saw it somewhere.  But, I don't remember where I saw it, so send your applause my way, and when I remember where I saw this, I'll pass it along.  For this idea, head down to your local craft store and pick up some unpainted frames, without glass.  Spread some newspaper over your kitchen table and get your kids to paint the frames.  Hang them on the wall, and tap in an extra nail inside the framed area near the top.  Using a butterfly clip from a stationary store, hang your child's art and voila!

2) Again, this one I can't take 100% credit for.  I think it was either Nanny Robina or Super Nanny who suggested to fill a drawer in your kitchen with Tupperware to let the kids play with while you make dinner. This is like that.  I filled a drawer in my bathroom with paper and markers to keep the girls amused while I shower and do my make-up.  They added the bubbles, even though they know they're not allowed to play with them inside.  The giant diamond ring is my engagement ring.  Just kidding.  It's from the dollar store.   

3) I found this pack of 200 cards and 200 envelopes at Target, and I just love it.  It was super cheap, and now, I have cards for the next 200 occasions.  The girls love making cards for people, so when a card occasion arises, I bring out this bundle and give one to each and there you have it!

4) When my make-up is finished, I scrape out the bits that are left with the back of a nail file and give it to the girls to play with.  They love putting make-up on when they play dress up, and now they can.  It also keeps them out of my make-up drawer.  For a little while, at least.

5) I have a bit of an addiction. To costume jewelry. It's gotten so bad that I've completely run out of space to keep all of my necklaces. If my necklaces were ceramic snowmen, I'd for sure be on an episode of Hoarders.  But not any more. Just look at this great idea I came up with! I (well, my husband) attached two cafĂ© curtain rods to a wall in my closet and now, my necklaces are organized.

6) If you have hand-me-down furniture, or grown-up looking furniture, a great way to make it kid furniture is with wall decals.  You can move the decals around to cover-up marks in old furniture, or switch it up when your daughter's Dora phase is over and her Frozen phase begins.  Although, good luck finding anything Frozen.  It might be easier to talk her back into her Cinderella phase.  

7) I'm not the best cook, or house cleaner, more often than not I forget to put sunscreen on the girls before we go to the park. But, one thing I do well is drink chai lattes. One trick is to get it without water.  It makes for a bolder chai flavour. I also get it extra hot because a lukewarm chai just isn't that great. But, the real trick is to stick a pen in the little hole opposite the drinking hole. It will make that hole a little bigger, allowing you to drink your chai more smoothly.  Remember those giant tins of apple juice? Your mom would pierce it with two holes for an even flow when pouring? It works the same way.

8) This idea I definitely cannot take credit for.  My friend, and fellow stay at home mom, Vanessa, made it for my girls.  I believe she started with a canvas, covered it with fabric and ribbon, and added the wooden S in the middle.  The ribbons are used to store hair clips, and the canvas hangs conveniently on the wall.  You can see more of her great ideas on her blog,  ABC OCD

9) To help with my morning routine, I've pre-Tupperwared some snacks for Crazy Plates and Little Bear.  I just toss a couple in each back pack, and now, making lunches just got a wee bit easier.

10) I love storage baskets.  Love, love, love.  I have a few strategically placed around the house.  When I clean up at the end of the night, I throw the toys into the nearest basket.  When the baskets are full, I pull them into the playroom, sort them and put them in their appropriate places.  Now, if only I could teach the girls to do this...

So that's it!  Housewife Hacks: Part 1.  If you have any good hacks to share, please do so in the comments.  Maybe I'll hack your hack and include it in Part 2.  Full credit will be given, of course :)

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